Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Anak Lumang - Orphan Child Song

Posted by Yayux at 12:32 AM

Alang alang dik kemalang
Nasib anak lumang

Coa meding idup dik senang
Coa de kuat beriang beriang

Luweng luweng sapie kelmen
Atie ne liseak

Simeker kejijie idup
Semeding penemeu bagei

Api api ba pelabei
Amen lak bekadeak

Gen sanak coa gen dikup
Sepasoak coa demulei igei


Orphan Child

What a pity fate of nobody child

Never feel happiness and friend to play

From morning has broken to evening he feel uncomfortable

Thinking of his full daily sadness live

There is nobody to tell it

Dont have sister and brother at all

And his relative obsolutely uncare


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