Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Quick Study: Mark 4 [Only By Faith] by D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E
Just Some thoughts, nothing too indepth.....
The author of this Gospel interestingly put together a series of parables together and then an event that took place after the parable took place.
Jesus was talking about four different types of soils that are in this world that a farmer sows and then went on to explain what each meant. We then find that:
Rocky Paths: Symbolising that people hear the word but then they are automatically distracted and their mind is taken else where
Rocky Places: People that sprout up but because there is no soil, they dehydrate and backslide just as fast as they receive
Thorns: People that grow when everything is right but they prioritise their worries and business above the work of God then get choked out
Good Soil: People that take that seed given to them and use it to plant on more good soil so that they can see the fruit grow.
The seed is the word of God that produces faith.
After that Jesus talks about the growing seed which is an in-depth look of the farmers’ diligence to get the work done.
He then went on to talk about having faith of a mustard seed, because something so small can turn into something major
But then we find ourselves in a situation where the disciples were put in the place of putting all what they heard to the test. A storm came while they were on the boat and their surroundings didn’t look so good but instead of having the faith of a mustard seed and sprouting up - the first thing they did was give up and be over struck by fear. Jesus then said “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? [v40]
Notice how Jesus used the word “still” after all he said. You’d expect that they would of learnt something from those parables but what happened?
We often find ourselves hearing something and automatically thinking that the sermon preached belongs to someone else to hear.
But what happens when your storm comes?
Which soil are you?
How much faith do you have?
Is it still there?
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