Friday, January 30, 2009

This very beautiful statue of Virgin Mary at Oldies Dutch Curch in small Village, at Rejang Land

Posted by Yayux at 3:34 AM
When rejang land in Netherland Colonism era, the dutch build a monastery and small church near Kaba mountain. Located at border line beetween Sindang Jati and Sindang Jaya Village. The monaestry and church still exist with activity till today. The statue of virgin mary have been there since long time ago. Every years many christian come and visit this church.

Virgin Mary


Commonly the nun comes from South Africa and Madagascar, and their priest from germany and french. Gereja Katolik Fransiscus Asisi, that the oldies church name as you see below.

The Fransiscus Asisi oldies church

The orchid at monaestry yard

Photo by :
Curup Kami Journey to Bengko


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