Saturday, January 10, 2009

Video "Lema Dance", From Lebong Regency, Rejang Land

Posted by Yayux at 5:03 AM
This is the new creation dance from Rejang people that performance and presentation from part of Rejang Land in Lebong Regency. In Lema Dance you can see the traditional daily traditional equipment such as krotong, tudung kuwang, etc. The dance decription about how Rejang People make lemea. Lema or lemea one of the traditional food from Rejang people. All about traditional eguipment and traditional food you can find in this blog with press the menu above (Nav bar menu Rejang land blog).

The dance performance at Bengkulu Cultural Park 2007 and upload by Mr.Agus Setiyanto & Fahdel`Site.
Lest enjoy the dance..........


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