Thursday, January 1, 2009

Syair Nialang (Lowland Nialang Song from Rejang Land)

Posted by Yayux at 6:23 AM
This nialang song, one form rejang literature that convert from kaganga manuscript text, it collect from Bungkuk Mountain nearby, Bengkulu by M.A. Jaspan. The vocabulary of rejang language in this nialang song influence (mix) with Lembak, Pasemah and serawai words.


Kayu tun, kayu djenitun.
Kayu serupun, tigé name.
Satu narné si bunut tjakur,
Duo name djenakat kumbang,
Tigo name sialang agung.
Rumah besar tiang sebatang.
Atap mIbun, bedinding angin.

Tang, tang, batang metapang, weui . . .
Karni naik ke langit tinggi, ading.
Djangan kité tarak menarak.

Sadjak sebandung, ladju urung -
Sadjak sekundang, ladju tjengang, ading.
Tupai peris mengundjung daun lépés.
Batang mengundjung daun; ading.

English translation :

Tree of man, tree of man's spirit.
Grove of trees of three kinds.
One is called bunut tjakur,
The second djenukat kumbang,
The third sialang agung. '
A great house of a single pillar,
A roof of cloud, walls of wind.

Tang, tang the mighty trunk, woe .' . .
We ascend high into the sky, little brother.
Let US not refrain from song.

A pair of verses and then no more -
A couple of verses astonishes, little brother.
A tree filled with squirrels amidst its leaves,
A trunk dressed in leaves, little brother.

Source : M. A. Jaspan Collection Nialang Song


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