Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rejangese Oldies House From Seguring Village

Posted by Yayux at 7:13 PM
Photo by Curup Kami

Oldies house in Seguring commonly build at year 1920-1924. Many oldies house try to documenting by my author Curup Kami. At below detail ornamen at above door and windows in one house in Seguring village.

Detail carving at fence of veranda as you can see below, the motin in rhomb form base on squama pineapple motif (sisik nanas).

This detail of pillar carving, its still base on pinneapple fruit, sliced and squama pineapple fruit. (irisan dan sisik buah nanas).

This one is area of veranda, it really look natural made from best quality wood

And finally I show you how the oldies look like. Thats very interesting art if you come to the Seguring village.


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