Friday, January 23, 2009

Center of the blacksmith of Rejang People in Kepahiang Regency, Rejang Land

Posted by Yayux at 12:24 AM
In one district in Rejang land there is one central Rejang crafts people, there are in Kepahiang Regency in borderline between Tebat Monok Village and Pasar Tengah. This place located ar main street Bengkulu - Kepahiang - and Curup Town. Crafts people to produce traditional knife, such as the big knife, hoe, keris and so on. Material is usually from iron plate car. The price really competitive. You can order with a better quality with a little more to give the price. Or book a knife in the appropriate form of desire.

some handicrafts such as sickle and a chopper ready to sell

many stalls are so many options

easy to reach because it is along the side main road

a blacksmith work and work

Finally, of course you can order the Bengkulu Valiant Blade that very popular in abroad as you see below :). Just try it pal !


Credit photo by Curup Kami and Valiant


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